Communities of Wealth

The purpose of this podcast series is to shed light on Indigenous perspectives of philanthropy. Additionally, it provides personal accounts and reflections on Indigenous experiences of current models of giving. Highlighting the works of the Ontario Indigenous Youth Partnership Project – an Indigenous Youth-led granting program – we describe the need for its on-going existence and provide a space for our grantees to share their works, knowledge and skills.

See also Communities of Wealth on Apple Podcasts

Communities of Wealth

Shanna Peltier + Thea Belanger
Ontario Indigenous Youth Partnerships Project, 2021-2022

Thank you!

Thank you for your generosity and taking the action to donate to one of these amazing organizations.

If you can please take a moment and let us know your donation amount, it would go a long way in helping us weave together our collective story of generosity.

Organization Name:
Communities of Wealth