Climate Justice
Ethical Stewardship

Keepers of the Water

With deep connections to community, and inherently connected to the responsibility of Free, Prior and Informed Consent, Keepers of the Water is an Indigenous-led coalition of water protectors with a local focus and a global vision.

About us

“Keepers of the Water’s work is really about being in our communities and living our way of life as we were intended to live,” describes Executive Director, Jesse Cardinal. “Living on the land, eating the foods that make us healthy. We need to have animals, we need to have fish, we need to have berries and medicines. Everything we do connects back to water.” 

Often called, “Keepers,” the organization started as an Indigenous-led, grassroots movement in 2006 with a gathering on the shores of the Deh-cho River (colonially known as the Mackenzie River). Hosted by Dene people of the area, with guests from many Indigenous nations and communities throughout the watershed, the gathering was organized because local people were noticing the waters were changing. Deeply connected to the great river, changes to water quality and quantity was impacting local Indigenous peoples’ way of life, so the host and guests came together and made a declaration that water is sacred and committed to working together to protect it. Keepers of the Water was born to activate the declaration.

Read the Declaration

The work grew quickly and since then, Keepers has hosted annual gatherings in different Indigenous communities throughout the Arctic watersheds, across Treaty 8 and 11 territories (also known as Northern Alberta, Northern Saskatchewan, Northern BC and Southern Northwest territories). Speaking to this massive region, Jesse explains, “We understand as Indigenous people that all water is connected so while our focus is the Arctic watershed, we work outside of that, as well. It just depends on where we get called.”

Keepers has also had to take on some of the largest industrial projects on Planet Earth. Oil, gas, and coal extraction are contaminating local watersheds, but Keepers has been there with a group of volunteers to respond. As host to the Tar Sands Healing Walk, Keepers had an international reach, and the harsh reality is: this work is far from over. Jesse explains two campaigns underway now, “We’re taking on a giant coal mine right now. If it is approved, it will devastate freshwater streams and Indigenous communities. The government of Alberta has also proposed a tailings pond release regulation that will allow dumping of tailings – they want to take toxic tailings, treat it, and dump it into the Athabasca River, but even when it’s treated it is still not safe.”

Because water is everything, and everything depends on water, Keepers’ work can look very different from one day to the next and can include food sovereignty, Indigenous knowledge and rights, and land protection. Community work is what makes Keepers who they are, and in addition to global campaigns and annual gatherings, the growing organization has established a water monitoring program, they are developing a series of traditional knowledge videos and creating resources to share with local schools. 

Jesse describes the path from here, “We want to be sustainable in our work so that we can continue showing up and being a voice for the water. The animals, the plants … everything that requires clean, fresh water. We’re stronger together.”


Water is life. We embody water. It is a sacred gift. Love, honour, and respect for water are essential in continuing human existence. We honour the life-giving Waters and the Lands we are genetically connected to.

We share a vision of unity based on Elders’ guidance, ceremonies, Traditional Ecological Knowledge exchange and the natural laws that govern all life. 

Keepers of the Water understand that clean fresh water is invaluable to life and the environment, for a sustainable, balanced, and just future for the survival of all of the life we share this incredible planet with.

No matter who you are, each one of us is born from the water before we ever breathe our first breath of air. It is up to each of us to keep the water for those yet to come. We must all be Keepers of the Water.

Keepers of the Water


Not-for-profit (with charitable partner)

Geographic Region

Treaty 6, Treaty 8, Treaty 11 Territories


Climate justice, Grassroots, Indigenous-led, Land protection, Sustainability, Water protection

How Keepers of the Water upholds United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP)

Article 19
States shall consult and cooperate in good faith with the indigenous peoples concerned through their own representative institutions in order to obtain their free, prior, and informed consent before adopting and implementing legislative or administrative measures that may affect them.

Article 26
  1. Indigenous peoples have the right to the lands, territories and resources which they have traditionally owned, occupied or otherwise used or acquired.
  2. Indigenous peoples have the right to own, use, develop and control the lands, territories and resources that they possess by reason of traditional ownership or other traditional occupation or use, as well as those which they have otherwise acquired.
  3. States shall give legal recognition and protection to these lands, territories and resources. Such recognition shall be conducted with due respect to the customs, traditions and land tenure systems of the indigenous peoples concerned.

There are 46 Articles within the Declaration and they are all interrelated. The above list is not exhaustive but makes direct links between UNDRIP and this organization.

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Organization Name:
Keepers of the Water